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Looking for something that offers the same comfort as a featherbed, but does not feature the feathers and down that come in a featherbed? If so, the Restful Nights® Down Alternative Fiber Bed is the perfect solution. Featuring the same baffle box design that is found in many premium featherbeds, the Restful Nights® Down Alternative Fiber Bed contains silky fiber clusters to mimic the feel of a featherbed filled with down, but it offers more support than most down featherbeds. Beyond being filled with fiber clusters to offer support all night long, the baffle box design of the Restful Nights® Down Alternative Fiber Bed reduces the amount of shifting of the fiber clusters so that you are supported evenly each and every night. Stop suffering without the comfort of a featherbed because you want a down/feather free environment. Order a Restful Nights® Down Alternative Fiber Bed today!
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